How to Buy a Watch For a Man
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How to Buy a Watch For a Man

Most men who wear watches care deeply about them. We all carry the precise time on our phones and all the other electronic devices with which the 21stCentury dictates we engage so those who wear watches are making a very definite choice to do so. They are entranced by the watch’s beauty, by respect for the intricate engineering it houses, by an interest in the heritage of its makers or, as is often the case, all three. 


This means buying a watch for a man who does not wear one is much easier than buying one for a man who does. We must assume from his naked wrist that there is a gap in his horological knowledge and perhaps he is ready to be educated. 


Buying a watch for a man who already wears one is fraught with difficulty. We are pleased to offer some advice for both situations. 


First, you must consider your budget. If you are buying for a first timer, there is the unlikely and, in our opinion, alarming possibility that the recipient will be unmoved by the gift. That he will remain unseduced by the masterpiece of engineering and the perfect design of the watch you have so painstakingly chosen. So it is worth considering an entry-level piece rather than a once-in-a-lifetime luxury watch. We recommend a reasonably plain-faced watch with an automatic movement and a date (and possibly day) window.  Buying a value-led piece would leave some funds in reserve for something a little more special when the first timer becomes a watch lover, although we hesitate to make assumptions about your financial constraints. 


If you are buying for the connoisseur, you must act like a detective. Listen to his opinions, see if you can detect a gap in his collection. Engage him in conversation about brands and styles. If you are lucky, he might be explicit about the piece with which he next aspires to expand his haul. This will give you the assurance that your money will be well spent. 


There is some advice that applies to both categories of man. Size is very important. If the recipient of your largess is a slender man, you should select a case that will not make his wrist look frail. A sturdier man demands a bigger watch. Anything too small could look a little feminine, which may not be a look on which he is particularly keen. 


It is also important to take into account the style of clothes the man wears. The more casual or sporty man suits a dive or military watch much better than the formally inclined. This type of man is better suited to a plainer dress watch. 


Intuition can also be an important element of your decision making. You may come across a piece that just feels right for the person you are buying for. This depends on how well the recipient is known to you but as a watch is such a personal purchase, we should assume some intimacy. 


We try not to be biased at Chrono Hunter when offering advice. But when you make the right choice, we can think of no better gift than a beautiful watch.